Michael Mol

Account Manager at
Travelmediate Benelux

If you could choose a famous person to sit next to in a plane, who would that be and what question would you ask?

For sure Tom Hanks, one of the best actors of this time, can we get serious now?

Who is your favourite travel buddy and why?

My girlfriend – During my study I had the opportunity to travel a lot alone or with my study-friends. In the end I believe that travelling with your loved ones can make a destination even more mythical.

If you were a destination, which destination would you be and why?

I think this will be Malaga, Spain. The first time I visited this destination I was amazed by the very pleasant climate, even in March it was around 23 degrees. The people, the food and the culture made me come back several times already. The people seem to have a peacefull life and the word tranquilo has been told to me more than once.